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Rosi's Doors (Book III)

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Thrust into the past, young Time Guardian Rosi Carol must rally a group of fugitives and friends during a British invasion of New England in the Revolutionary War. Outnumbered and outgunned, Rosi must marshal all of her wits and her experience to reverse the course of events. Can she restore the timeline, saving herself and her few remaining friends? Can she find a way home?

ROSI'S COMPANY [©2013] Rosi's Doors (Book III) by Edward Eaton | Young Adult Fantasy (Teen) 232 pages / 68,000 words | Available in ebook, hardback, and paperback from the DFP Books label of Dragonfly Publishing, Inc.


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PAPERBACK [EAN 978-1-936381-24-1 | ISBN 1-936381-24-9] 6x9 library trim (232 pages) | Average Price: $11.99

HARDBACK [EAN 978-1-936381-23-4 | ISBN 1-936381-23-0] 6x9 library casebound (232 pages) | Average Price: $21.99

EBOOK [EAN 978-1-936381-25-8 | ISBN 1-936381-25-7] Available in EPUB and Kindle (68,000 words) | Average Price: $4.99

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WITH a sigh, Rosi looked again at the old pocket watch. She had to shift the angle of the watch several times and move it around before she found a strong enough shaft of light to read the Roman numerals.
One o'clock. She was not happy.
Who would stick a fifteen year old girl alone in the middle of the woods in enemy territory in the middle of the night?
I Would, she reminded herself.
She carefully closed the watch. She liked the sound and feel of the gentle click as it shut, and often found herself opening it and shutting it just for the double effect.
A foraging party had brought back the watch a couple of days ago and proudly presented it to their young captain. Ben, a boy Rosi suspected was even younger than her, had bowed grandly when he handed it to her. It was a shiny silver watch with gold inlays that looked to Rosi to be a family crest. She knew little about heraldry, but saw that the top of the shield had a Unicorn in front of a fiery sun. The watch itself was old, but inside the cover was a fairly recent cameo of a rather plain woman and an even plainer baby. The officer her men had taken it from had been killed when the foragers had ambushed him and three other men. The British had not had time to fight back, so Rosi knew nothing about the bravery of the previous owner of the watch. He had been fairly young and a lieutenant. Presumably the picture was of his wife and baby and he was the scion of some wealthy family. The watch was clearly valuable.
"Why give it to me?" she had asked Ben. "You could sell this and buy a new farm."
"What'd I do with farm, miss." Ben had blushed. "Pardon, I mean, Captain. 'Sides, who'd I sell it to? Only ones here with money'r th'redcoats. Them's enemies. Most likely shoot me and take watch anyway."
So Rosi got a nice watch. She felt guilty about throwing away the lock of baby's hair tied with a pink ribbon that had been inside the watch. But only for a moment.
She was the only person in her company who could tell time on an analog watch. Ironically, few of her friends at home, at least those in the city, could tell time on an analog watch either. Perhaps, she thought, the past is not that much different than the future. Or would that be the present?
So now she had a nice watch. Rosi felt sorry for the wife and child of the dead officer, but then she wondered how many husbands and fathers the young lieutenant might have killed.
She had only been involved in this war for a couple of weeks and already Rosi had lost loved ones. She was angry. She let her men think her anger was with the British, but it was not...

[Copyright ©2024 Edward Eaton | No unauthorized reproduction or distribution]

Rosi's Doors series

Rosi's Castle Rosi's Company Rosi's Time

Rosi's CastleRosi's CompanyRosi's Time

Read about the Rosi's Doors young adult time travel series and watch the series video.